Marke · Brand


A2 / E 39

In our part of the universe, the edges are less edgy, the corners a little rounder and life much softer. We have loved textiles since 1910 and today, our focus remains on soft and warm interior design for personal homes. In our assortment you will find both fluffy pillows, statement mats and quirky furniture.

Go hard or go home, they say. If you ask us? Go soft and go home. 

Decorations & Accessories, Furnishings & Design Objects, Furniture & Lighting, Home & Textiles, Kitchen & Tabletop

Decken und Plaids, Dekoartikel, Festschmuck, Gartenkeramik, Gedeckter Tisch, Kerzenhalter, Kissen und Zierkissen, Kleinmöbel, Lampen, Matten, Sofas und Sessel, Spiegel, Tabletts, Teppich, Tischdekoration, Tische und Stühle, Tischwäsche, Vasen, Wohnaccessoires, Wohntextilien