Wildlife Garden AB

A3 / F 44

Nature is the Heart of Our Philosophy

We stop, take a deep breath, and observe the natural world around us; in these moments, our creativity flows, and we experience closeness to the genuine and authentic.

It began with an interest in the natural world, birds, and gardens. Our first birdhouses and feeders were born from the idea that they should be a feature that matched the house–and simultaneously attracted the local birdlife. From there, the natural continuation was a series of handmade birds; our beloved collector series–DecoBirds.

With time, the range has grown. Today, its products span both the home and garden, all characterised by beauty, functionality, and playfulness as we carefully design each piece, collaborating with select experts, producers and artisans.

Ängelholmsvägen 263 , 26942 Bastad, SE
Telefon: +49 (0) 431 76800
Webseite: www.wildlifegarden.de

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